Grundy County
This is a place where we reach for the challenge—where we see potential at every turn. Here, innovation, big ideas and natural resources support a growing industry base. Now is the time to be in Grundy County, Tennessee.

The Power of Purpose.
Here in Grundy County, we have an undying pride and passion for this community and the things we make. Anything we make here, we claim as our own and brand it with the mark of hard work. We know when to rely on technology and when to create with our own hands. We believe in this place, and these people and this purpose—to build a workforce that can take on any challenge.
Toyo Seat Corporation
Far exceeding the benchmarks for manufacturing quality, Toyo Seat fabricates metal seat frames and latches for Nissan, Toyota, Honda and Ford. For 16 years in Grundy County, Toyo employees have met the highest safety requirements in the industry.
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Total Labor Force